Recognising the community around you


Hat Trick Productions were introduced to the Foundations for Responsible Business programme by Camden Giving. Here they share their motivation for understanding and supporting the community in and around their office space, and their plans to expand their community work.

“When I was confronted with the problems that Camden Giving were showing me that were affecting local communities in the borough, it was something that we couldn’t ignore. Supporting them became an imperative for us.” Jimmy Mulville, Managing Director, Hat Trick Productions

11 years ago, Hat Trick Productions moved to Camden, looking over to Primrose Hill from one side and across the canal to Camden Lock from the other. Though they’ve been based there for the past decade, when lockdown hit, they started thinking about their communities at home and at work, and realised how much of a bubble they’d been living in. They were a business in Camden, but not part of Camden at all and really didn’t know what was going on there.

They began to think about how they could become more connected with Camden at a time when there was so much disconnect. They reached out to Camden Giving, a place-based giving charity supporting people in the borough.


Camden Giving’s mission is to end poverty and inequality in Camden, and they do this by empowering the local community to decide how to spend the money they raise.

It quickly became clear that working with Camden Giving was something that Hat Trick couldn’t not do.

So, they looked at the skills they had and what they could immediately offer to support Camden Giving’s mission. One of their animators created a new video for the charity to capture what they do.

“It’s a magical moment for us to work with a business who have really got under the skin of what we do” Grace Coffey, Head of Partnerships, Camden Giving

Hat Trick’s Managing Director Jimmy Mulville explained that when he was growing up in Liverpool, local business employed local people. Hat Trick’s plan is to explore with Camden Giving how they can support young people interested in a career in media and talking to them about how they can get on this path and grab opportunities.

What Hat Trick love about their connection with Camden Giving is that it’s very personal: they’re having an impact on the street their business sits on. This partnership also made their lockdown much easier to bear. They feel they’ve got so much more out of the relationship than they’ve given and they’re looking forward to continuing to support the community in the future.

For Jimmy and the team at Hat Trick, running a business and being successful isn’t just about making money year in and year out, it’s about how productive you are in your local society. It’s that feeling of connectivity internally in their business, and on their doorstep too.

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