2025 Awareness Days

Your approach

Here we share a selection of environment and sustainability awareness days with a focus on responsible business. These awareness days offer great opportunities to engage others in the vital work of protecting our planet, looking after your people, or giving back to your community. Use this calendar to bring awareness to the initiatives you are running in your organisation, or to begin a conversation on a topic you don’t engage with often.

These dates have been compiled by the Heart of the City team. Please note that unless they are ‘UN’ official dates, the dates can change year on year, so always refer to the current year’s calendar.

Download the 2025 Awareness Days Calendar.

January February March

Dry January

17-23: Big Energy Savings Week

19: World Religion Day

20: Samaritans Brew Monday

26: International Day of Clean Energy


LGBT History Month 

1-7: World Interfaith Harmony Week

3-9: Race Equality Week

6: Time to Talk Day

10-16: National Apprenticeship Week

11: International Day of Women and Girls in Science

20: World Day of Social Justice

24-2: Eating Disorder Awareness Week


Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month

1: UN Zero Discrimination Day

3: World Wildlife Day

3-8: National Careers Week

8: International Women’s Day

15: Digital Cleanup Day

17-23: WRAP Food Waste Action Week

18: Global Recycling Day

20: International Day of Happiness

21: International Day of the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

21: International Day of Forests

21-6: The Great British Spring Clean

22: World Water Day

23: Earth Hour

31: Transgender Day of Visibility

April May June

Stress Awareness Month

2: World Autism Awareness Day

4: Walk to Work Day

7: World Health Day

15: International Microvolunteering Day

22: Earth Day

21-27: Lesbian Visibility Week

28: World Day for Safety and Health at Work

30: Stop Food Waste Day



National Walking Month

5-11: Deaf Awareness Week

12-18: Mental Health Awareness Week

12-18: Learning at Work Week

15: Global Accessibility Awareness Day

16: Endangered Species Day

17: International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia

21: World Day for Cultural Diversity for
Dialogue and Development

22: International Day for Biological

26-30: Water Saving Week

Pride Month
30 Days Wild

3: World Bike Day

5: World Environment Day

8: World Oceans Day

9-15: Loneliness Awareness Week

14: World Blood Donor Day

16: World Refill Day

16-22: Learning Disability Week

16-22: Refugee Week

20: National Clean Air Day

22: World Rainforest Day

27: Micro, Small and Medium Sized Enterprises Day

July August September

Plastic Free July

5-11: Net Zero Week

15: World Youth Skills Day

25-3: Love Parks Week

30: International Friendship Day



2: Earth Overshoot Day

7: Cycle to Work Day

12: International Youth Day

19: World Humanitarian Day

24-28: World Water Week

Second Hand September

5: International Day of Charity

11-15: Pension Awareness Week

18: International Equal Pay Day

19-28: Great British Beach Clean

20: World Cleanup Day

22: World Car Free Day

22-5: Fairtrade Fortnight

22-28: Recycle Week

23: City Giving Day

26: Macmillan World’s Biggest Coffee Morning

29: International Day of Awareness of Food
Loss and Waste

29-5: National Inclusion Week

October November December

Go Sober for October
Black History Month
Breast Cancer Awareness Month

1: World Vegetarian Day

1: International Day of Older Persons

4: No Disposable Cup Day

6: World Habitat Day

10: World Mental Health Day

11: National Coming Out Day

13-19: National Work Life Week

18: World Menopause Day


1: World Vegan Day

3-7: International Stress Awareness Week

4-8: Talk Money Week

13: World Kindness Day

13-17: Anti-Bullying Week

19: International Men’s Day

22-30: National Tree Week

TBC: Living Wage Week

TBC: Trustees Week

3: International Day of Persons with Disabilities

5: International Volunteers Day

10: Human Rights Day

12: Christmas Jumper Day

29: Small Business Saturday

This was last updated in December 2024 by Heart of the City. We’ve created these resources for individual SMEs to use. None of our content is to be adapted, reused or repurposed for commercial use.