Behind the Scenes: SIBLING’s Journey to Net Zero

Heart of the City | 31 July 2024 | News
Behind the Scenes: SIBLING’s Journey to Net Zero

Tech recruitment company SIBLING has successfully completed Heart of the City’s Climate for SMEs: 4 Steps to Action course! SIBLING’s dedication to the course, in measuring their carbon footprint and setting a Net Zero action plan, is an inspiration to other small to medium-sized businesses (SMEs) looking to get started on their Net Zero journey.

Through our free Climate course, SIBLING has made significant strides in reducing their environmental impact and making a positive impact on the planet.

SIBLING successfully completes our Climate for SMEs: 4 Steps to Action course

In this Q&A, we go behind the scenes with Heather Donaldson, People Operations Lead at SIBLING and explore the motivations, experiences, and the benefits the agency has gained from particping in the course.


What motivated SIBLING to take part in Heart of the City's 'Climate for SMEs' course?

SIBLING is deeply aware of the pressing issue of climate change. As our company grows we've actively sought ways to minimise our impact on the environment. Therefore, when we received a letter from Heart of The City inviting us to Mansion House for a climate event, we eagerly embraced the opportunity to see what we could learn!

How does participating in this course align with your company's values and long-term goals?

The Climate course provided us with the tools to calculate our carbon emissions and advice on how to lower them, reinforcing our commitment to environmental responsibility. By integrating sustainable strategies, we demonstrate fairness, accountability, and integrity in our operations.

How would you describe your experience on the course?

Our experience on the course was hugely positive. The Heart of the City team was always available to answer our questions about the next steps and how best to move forward. They were friendly, encouraging, and able to clearly explain various concepts of sustainability to us.

What aspects did you find most valuable?

The most valuable aspects of the course were the Surgery Q&A Sessions held every few months. These sessions provided an excellent opportunity to connect with other businesses at the same stage of the course. Listening to their questions and experiences was incredibly insightful and helped to reaffirm and validate our efforts to improve our carbon footprint.

Were there any course Modules or sessions that were particularly influential?

The first Module, which focused on calculating our carbon footprint as a business, really stood out to us. It was incredibly insightful to see the exact emissions generated by each of our activities - some were higher than expected, and some were lower. This module provided a solid foundation for creating an effective action plan to reduce our overall carbon footprint.

What challenges did you face during the course?

Gathering data on our carbon emissions was interesting but time-consuming. For instance, obtaining accurate information on office building emissions required coordination with our landlord, which involved considerable back-and-forth communication. However, we overcame these challenges by consulting Heart of the City, whose advice helped streamline the data collection process.

How has the course helped in setting realistic and achievable sustainability targets?

The course provided us with a comprehensive understanding of our current carbon emissions, enabling us to set realistic and achievable sustainability targets.

Can you share some specific outcomes or achievements that resulted from completing the course?

Completing the course led to several significant outcomes and achievements for SIBLING. Firstly, we successfully measured and documented our carbon footprint for the first time, providing us with a clear baseline for future improvements. Following this, we have now implemented sustainable practices in our offices, such as recycling boxes for our personal office and energy-efficient lighting fixtures.

What advice would you give to other SMEs considering signing up?

I would strongly recommend this incredibly accessible course as a positive first step towards sustainability. It offers invaluable insights and practical tools that are crucial for understanding and managing your carbon footprint. The Heart of the City team is also very friendly and knowledgeable.

What was the overall highlight from the experience?

The overall highlight from the experience was the sense of community and shared purpose we felt during the Surgery Q&A Sessions. These sessions were not only informative but also incredibly motivating. Hearing from other businesses about their challenges and successes reinforced our own commitment to sustainability and provided us with fresh perspectives and innovative ideas.

This revised document ensures clarity, engagement, and a friendly tone while maintaining grammatical correctness.

The team would like to say a big congratulations to SIBLING on completing our Climate course. The commitment and dedication from the team, measuring your carbon footprint and setting a Net Zero action plan is an inspiration to all.

Heart of the City’s Climate for SMEs: 4 Steps to Action course is designed for small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to help them on their journey to reach Net Zero. With the course due to conclude in March 2025, we encourage all City-based SMEs to register by 6 September 2024.

The course is funded by the City of London Corporation as part of their Climate Action Strategy, and is FREE to SMEs based in, or with more than 50% of their operations in the Square Mile.

Click here to apply.

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