Lunch and Learn: How to Get Started on Your Net Zero Journey

This event is open to all members

07 August
time 12:00
Lunch and Learn: How to Get Started on Your Net Zero Journey

Learn how to measure your carbon footprint and start your net zero journey with practical tips and tools in our expert-led online Lunch and Learn.

Doing business sustainably is crucial for everyone’s future. Measuring your carbon footprint and working towards net zero will become essential as larger businesses increasingly review their supply chains and select suppliers who can demonstrate tangible progress in reducing carbon emissions. This can be daunting for small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that lack extensive teams and budgets. At Heart of the City, we specialise in demystifying the world of net zero and carbon footprints, so you can feel empowered to take practical action to make sustainable changes that benefit both your business and the planet.

What to expect:

In this online session we’ll explore:

  • The difference between net zero and carbon neutral
  • Carbon footprints and what they’re made up of
  • Why it’s important and the business benefits of measuring your carbon footprint
  • Carbon data and emissions factors
  • Different carbon calculators available and what that means for businesses collecting data

You’ll leave feeling empowered, with practical actions that you can either implement straight away, or use to further develop your business’s journey to net zero.


  • Heart of the City introduction (5 minutes)
  • Presentation from Katie Rogers, Climate Programme Officer, Heart of the City (25 minutes)
  • Q&A and wrap-up (15 minutes)

Katie Rogers, Climate Programme Officer, Heart of the City
Katie joined Heart of the City in 2022 and is responsible for supporting the delivery of our climate course ‘Climate for SMEs: 4 Steps to Action’.
Before this, Katie completed a Postgraduate Degree in Global Environment Politics and Society at the University of Edinburgh. Katie will share everything you need to know about collecting and measuring carbon data as an SME.

How to sign-up:
You can sign-up for this Lunch and Learn via our Eventbrite page here.

We aim to make our learning opportunities and workshops accessible to everyone; if there’s anything you need from us to access this event, please let us know in advance.

If you’re looking for guidance on your journey to net zero, our Climate Action Toolkit is FREE and has been designed especially for SMEs in collaboration with sustainability experts.

This Lunch and Learn recording will be accessible to our members only. If you’d like to join our community of SMEs and gain access to a wider range of support, please consider signing up to our Climate course, or Foundations for Responsible Business programmes.


Katie Rogers
Climate Programme Officer, Heart of the City

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